Megan with Charlie, as he reviews the FBI Techs' findings...
...I'd say the killer used some
kind of "Onion-Routing" technique.
(off her look)
It's a way of sending content over
a network while staying anonymous.
Think of it like a sender mailing a
series of letters inside letters...
This Demonstration shows
polyhedra displayed with layers, like in an onion.
You know people in the science
community, there has to be someone
you could talk to.
Larry's NoiseTamper project is an
NSA initiative, but if NASA's
questioning Larry's fitness--
--Charlie, Larry's devastated. His
spirit is crushed. He's like... a
star collapsing in on itself--
--You two have been hanging out a lot.
Einstein's general theory of relativity gives a completely different picture of gravitation. It is not a force per
se, but rather a consequence of the curvature of spacetime. As John Wheeler said, matter tells spacetime how to
curve while spacetime tells matter how to move.