DON A car made of stolen parts from around the country drives straight into a coffee shop. CHARLIE The CHP accident analysis will tell you how it happened. DON But I want to know why. CHARLIE That's tricky -- finding motive in skid marks and trajectories.
AMITA I see you're reading Dr. Preskill's paper on quantum particles and multi-dimensionality.
Galinski goes to a computer, punches up a screen. Detailed computer graphic of a Mars Rover, then a car, then a truck -- GALINSKI My own computer modeling software -- analyzes anything with an engine.
GALINSKI Mechanical engineering -- the poetry of matter and energy, of metal and power. The more complicated it is, the more beautiful it becomes. CHARLIE We need to know if a certain vehicle's trajectory was accidental or intended.
CHARLIE Computer simulations are mathematical representations of the real world. Think of Newton -- Newton observed a real world event- The APPLE falls from the tree. And he created a mathematical model to represent the phenomenon- That model could be extrapolated to predict the orbits of planets-
CHARLIE It's a phenomenon related to centripetal force --
CHARLIE The further from the center of the circle, the greater the distance traveled.
The APPLE stops mid-air. GRAPHIC overlay displays Newton's equations of motion and the law of universal gravitation. CHARLIE (O.S.) (cont'd) That model could be extrapolated to predict the orbits of planets- The SOLAR SYSTEM -- planets in motion around the sun.
GALINSKI And that, folks, is geek speak for "bingo."